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以下、メモをそのままです。(なお、慢性疲労症候群/線維筋痛症/HPVワクチン接種/COVID-19患者における上咽頭炎が嗅神経経路からの髄液排出を滞らせる[アミロイドβ等の有害物質のクリアランス低下]こと and/or 嗅粘膜経由[篩骨師板経由]でのサイトカイン/免疫細胞/ウイルスの嗅球/くも膜下/脳室/脳室周囲器官への逆流[そもそも正常でも存在する?]を惹起することで、視床下部症候群[脳室周囲器官制御破綻症候群]をもたらすことについては、臨床症状からしてほとんど確実だと私は思ってます)
– The Spatial and Cell-Type Distribution of SARS-CoV-2 Receptor ACE2 in the Human and Mouse Brains. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33551947/ 2021 NON-FREE
By engaging angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2 or Ace2), the novel pathogenic severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) invades host cells and affects many organs, including the brain. However, the distribution of ACE2 in the brain is still obscure. Here, we investigated the ACE2 expression in the brain by analyzing data from publicly available brain transcriptome databases. According to our spatial distribution analysis, ACE2 was relatively highly expressed in some brain locations, such as the choroid plexus and paraventricular nuclei of the thalamus. According to cell-type distribution analysis, nuclear expression of ACE2 was found in many neurons (both excitatory and inhibitory neurons) and some non-neuron cells (mainly astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and endothelial cells) in the human middle temporal gyrus and posterior cingulate cortex. A few ACE2-expressing nuclei were found in a hippocampal dataset, and none were detected in the prefrontal cortex. Except for the additional high expression of Ace2 in the olfactory bulb areas for spatial distribution as well as in the pericytes and endothelial cells for cell-type distribution, the distribution of Ace2 in the mouse brain was similar to that in the human brain. Thus, our results reveal an outline of ACE2/Ace2 distribution in the human and mouse brains, which indicates that the brain infection of SARS-CoV-2 may be capable of inducing central nervous system symptoms in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients. Potential species differences should be considered when using mouse models to study the neurological effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Keywords: ACE2; COVID-19; SARS-coronavirus 2; angiotensin-converting enzyme 2; brain.”
– Evidence of SARS-CoV2 Entry Protein ACE2 in the Human Nose and Olfactory Bulb https://www.karger.com/Article/FullText/513040 2021 FREE
in my PC: SARS-Cov-2とACE2_in_嗅上皮細胞の証拠_513040.pdf
Usually, pandemic COVID-19 disease, caused by SARS-CoV2, presents with mild respiratory symptoms such as fever, cough, but frequently also with anosmia and neurological symptoms. Virus-cell fusion is mediated by angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and transmembrane serine protease 2 (TMPRSS2) with their organ expression pattern determining viral tropism. Clinical presentation suggests rapid viral dissemination to the central nervous system leading frequently to severe symptoms including viral meningitis. Here, we provide a comprehensive expression landscape of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 proteins across human postmortem nasal and olfactory tissue. Sagittal sections through the human nose complemented with immunolabelling of respective cell types represent different anatomically defined regions including olfactory epithelium, respiratory epithelium of the nasal conchae and the paranasal sinuses along with the hardly accessible human olfactory bulb. ACE2 can be detected in the olfactory epithelium as well as in the respiratory epithelium of the nasal septum, the nasal conchae, and the paranasal sinuses. ACE2 is located in the sustentacular cells and in the glandular cells in the olfactory epithelium as well as in the basal cells, glandular cells, and epithelial cells of the respiratory epithelium. Intriguingly, ACE2 is not expressed in mature or immature olfactory receptor neurons and basal cells in the olfactory epithelium. Similarly, ACE2 is not localized in the olfactory receptor neurons albeit the olfactory bulb is positive. Vice versa, TMPRSS2 can also be detected in the sustentacular cells and the glandular cells of the olfactory epithelium. Our findings provide the basic anatomical evidence for the expression of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 in the human nose, olfactory epithelium, and olfactory bulb. Thus, they are substantial for future studies that aim to elucidate the symptom of SARS-CoV2 induced anosmia via the olfactory pathway.
Keywords: ACE2; Human; Olfactory bulb; Olfactory epithelium; SARS-CoV2.”
※感想と解説 by 澤田石 順
1) ACE2は嗅上皮の支持細胞/分泌細胞、そしてまた気道上皮の基底細胞/分泌細胞/上皮細胞に存在していた
4)この研究の前にて、嗅上皮と呼吸上皮のどの細胞においてはACE2やTMPRSS2が発現しているかについて明確なデータがなかったが、人間における死後の検討で初めての証拠が得られた? この研究は嗅神経にてはACE2が発現してないと確証はしないが、少なくとも嗅上皮の支持細胞/分泌細胞におけるACE2発現がSARS-Cov-2感染により惹起したことよりも、そもそも嗅上皮の支持細胞/分泌細胞にてACE2が発現していることをほとんど確実に証拠付けていると思える。すなわち、SARS-Cov-2感染が無症状であれ有症状のCOVID-19であれ、嗅覚障害は嗅上皮の支持細胞/分泌細胞の機能障害によることを強く示唆しているのだ。ニオイ受容体を有する嗅神経が直接に新型コロナにより侵害されるのではなく、嗅神経の機能を維持するための細胞2種類がACE2を有するためにSARS-Cov-2により傷害されることを示唆している。これら二種の細胞がACE2レセプターを介してSARS-Cov-2ウイルスに感染することで、ニオイ受容体を有する嗅神経そのものが直ちに機能障害におちいることは容易に想像され、それのみか再生能力が人体において抜群の嗅神経の再生自体が疎外されることも推定される。
P.S. EATが LongCOVID に有効だったとの今井先生の報告群を受けて
上咽頭炎による glymphatic system/pathway (主要経路の一つは篩骨師板・嗅神経を介しての脳脊髄液の排出)の機能低下をEATが修復する作用があることは既に明らかだと思いますが、先生の報告を知り、改めてEAT/上咽頭炎の重要性を知った次第です。ちなみに、慢性疲労症候群の患者会を支援する同志の申偉秀先生(練馬の関町内科クリニック)はEATの手技を習得しつつあります。私は回復期リハビリ病棟の勤務医ですが、さ来年には60才。楽な仕事してきましたが、60過ぎたら、EATを学び、それによる治療に集中して余生を充実させたいなと夢想している次第です。